
Embassy will participate in Diplomatic Fair, Budapest, 30th November 2014


The Embassy of Belarus in Hungary will participate in the Fourth Diplomatic Fair which will take place at the Intercontinental Budapest on Sunday 30th November 2014 from 10.00 a.m. – 16.00 p.m. (Budapest, Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14, 1052 Hungary).

The Diplomatic Fair is a unique platform for all embassies, accredited to Hungary, to display their cultural heritage: from showcasing traditional crafts and souvenirs to international food specialties – to offer the visitors an enjoyable opportunity to “experience the world in a day”.  

45 embassies with national stands and 29 countries in the food corner are expected to participate in this year event. The quality and variety of the merchandise will be extremely multicolored. Throughout the whole event, high-calibre performances by singers and dancers will be organized. Prizes from small and big raffles wait for winners.

The Patron of the Diplomatic Fair in 2014 is Mrs. Anita Herczegh, wife of the President of Hungary (Diplomatic Fairs in 2012 and 2013 were graced by her visit).

All proceeds from the Diplomatic Fair will support three carefully vetted Hungarian non-profit organisations:

SOFI – The Special Education and Development Institute (for educationally challenged children);

A MI HAZUNK – The Children`s Home in Esztergom (Educational program for Roma children);

MAGYAR VAKOK ÉS GYENGÉNLÁTÓK ORSZÁGOS SZÖVETSÉGE. VAKVEZETŐKUTYA-KIKÉPZŐ ISKOLA – Guide Dog Training Centre for the Hungarian Federation of Blind and Partially Sighted People.

The Diplomatic Fair is organized by the Diplomatic Spouses of Budapest (DSB), which is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit association, founded in 2000 by a group of spouses in the diplomatic community to bring together spouses of Heads of Missions and of other diplomats accredited to Hungary.






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